Get ready to transform from an EA to a Strategic Partner!

Schedule Now About Karren

Karren E. Henderson

Founder and CEO


I’m a mother, grandmother,business owner, author, workshop facilitator, mentor, former EA and chief of staff with 30+ years in the C-suite. Events program/management extensive experience planning events for C suite level executives in various cities around the country including Aspen New York and Chicago for 300+ attendees. Founder and owner of EAs In the C-suite. I developed a system to empower EAs in the C suite increasing their emotional intelligence to up level performance to business strategic partner and become indispensable. Powerful training for executive assistants to “have a seat at the table”

Executive Assistants Consultant
Soft Skills Specialist
Training for CEOs

Karren's Karats

Thursdays - 7PM


Employee Loyalty a valuable Resource.

"Employee Loyalty • A valuable resource" Is it obsolete?

See Episode

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Share your entrepreneural journey and experiencies with our EAs in the C-Suite community.

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What is an Open Market?

When finding the right EA goals... Why is it hard to let go?

See Episode

Passing the Chalk for the Mic

Diversifying Your Skills with Deidre L. Boswell.

See Episode